Single Source of Truth to All Your Sales Content
Access sales content anytime, anywhere, on any device (even offline) to deliver buyers with the information they need, when they need it.
Personalize Buying Experience in a Matter of Minutes
Turn the buying experience into your competitive advantage by creating tailored presentations and sharing materials via an on-brand Digital Sales Room.
Turn Data and Insights Into Revenue
Measure and analyze your team's activities, buyer engagement, and content impact to drive actions that generate revenue.
"Showell saves significant time, letting the sales team focus on selling instead of searching for information."
Lina UhlΓ©n
Head of Nordic Training MDA, BSH Home Appliances
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What Our Customers Say?
"10X Faster Content Management"
We use Showell to maintain our sales materials in an organized manner and ensure easy accessibility for our salespeople. In comparison to our previous system, Showell has improved our sales content management speed by 10X.
"We've Had an Increase in Sales"
We've got everything we need in Showell. We have had an increase in sales because we have better-prepared salespeople on the front line.
"Incredible Tool, Ideal Platform"
Showell has provided the ideal platform for direct communication with my sales team, as well as a unified message across all our company's offerings to their customers and prospects. This incredible tool is the epicenter of organizing our sales and marketing material.
"5X Faster Than Our Previous System"
Managing content in Showell is 5X faster than managing content in our previous extranet system. With Showell, we do the same in 15 mins that took us 1 hour earlier.
"One of the Easiest Tools I've Used"
Showell stands out as one of the easiest and most user-friendly tools I have used (in sales and marketing). We've been positively surprised by the activity amongst our dealers and sales teams as they can sometimes be hesitant to embrace new tools.
Features That Our Customers Love
Enterprise-Level Security
Pay by the month or the year, and cancel at any time.
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Annual and multi-year plans
Volume discounts available
10-200 users
All Essential features, plus
β Unlimited storage space
β Branded Showell App
β Analytics API
β SSO support
β Built-in Smart Tool support
β Premium onboarding
β Dedicated customer success
β More integrations and API
Annual and multi-year plans
Tailored pricing and payment terms.
200+ users
The most flexible option for large revenue teams
Perfect for large companies with in-house and/or external sales teams of over 200 people.
It includes all the professional features to meet the unique requirements of bigger organizations.
Ask for a quote!
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Your time is valuable so we won't waste it on mumbo jumbo. Experience Showell's power in just 30 minutes and you'll learn:
- How Showell fits with your requirements and need
- Platform features and functionality that are relevant to you
- Best practices and what to consider when using Showell
- Answers to any other questions you may have about the platform
Showell is a great platform to host and share all of our materials. It gives me the ability to communicate quickly and effectively with our global partners.
Head of global Product Management